For a brief synopsis of this recently enacted, very important legislation, please see our Alert at Attachment
Negotiable Hostilities, Part 1. “Doing Telecom Deals with Russia in the Sanctions Era.” See Attachment A and A-Alert. Negotiable Hostilities, Part 2. “Telecom Deals with Foreign Investors in the Current Administration.” See Attachment B and B-Alert. Negotiable Hostilities, Part 3. “REXIT – Doing Business With (or Leaving) Russia.” See Attachment C and C-Alert. Negotiable Hostilities, Part 4. “REXIT Roadmap – Managing Contract and Investment
As a follow up to our recent webinar, “Content Regulation in the Age of Misinformation”, here is a an Alert briefly discussing the outcome of the Gonzalez and Twitter cases before the U.S. Supreme Court – and what’s coming up next with online content regulation. Please see the attached Alert.
See our updated Client Alert
Sapronov & Associates is pleased to again partner with Thomson Reuters for Part III of our “Foreign Investment” series. The webinar, “Negotiable Hostilities - Part III: Doing Business with Russia in the Current Crisis,” is scheduled for April 11 at 10 a.m. (ET) and will follow the ever-changing events in Russia, the Ukraine and the European Union (EU) and discuss the implications for investors and
Following up on our special client alert on the 2020 Presidential election, we are pleased to distribute a guest editorial on Section 230 of the Communications Act, now at the center of the controversy between the candidates involving the former Vice President’s son. It is written by one of the “authors” of Section 230, our long-time friend and well-known (now retired) attorney Bob Butler. The attached
The attached Client Alert: https://wstelecomlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020-Sapronov-Associates-P.C-A-Special-Political-Alert-The-2020-Presidential-Election.pdf
A SPECIAL POLITICAL ALERT – The 2018 Midterm Elections: How They Could Influence U.S. Telecom Policy
The attached Client Alert:https://wstelecomlaw.com/2019-04-sapronov-associates-p-c-political-alert-midterm-elections-telecom/