Argyle Executive Forum: Deal Making in the Telecom Sector Forum
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009[br]New York, NY Mr. Sapronov will be leading a fireside chat with Tom Navin of Wiley Rein LLP to discuss anticipated regulatory developments in the Obama administration.
Kennesaw State University: AT&T MBA Class of 2010
Sunday, November 2nd, 2008[br]Kennesaw, GA Bruce W. Renard will lead a discussion on Public Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Issues
NTCA (National Telecommunications Cooperative Association): Legal Seminar
November 10-11, 2008[br]Hollywood, FL Mr. Sapronov will be speaking on the topic of Privacy.
Center for International Legal Studies (CILS): 5th Biennial Symposium on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Salzburg, Austria[br]June 19-21, 2008 Mr. Sapronov was a speaker. His topic was: "Telecommunications Arbitration and Other Dispute Resolution Procedures." His paper, "Pax Americana", was co-authored by Robert J. Butler, also with Sapronov & Associates, P.C.
The FCC’s New Privacy Rules
Washington, DC[br]October 29, 2007 Mr. Sapronov is program co-chair.
RICA Fall Forum: “Evaluating Wireless Business Options”
Jacksonville, FL[br]November 14 - 16, 2007 Mr. Sapronov will be a speaker.
Presentation at 2007 RICA Annual Meeting: “Capitalizing on the Convergence Evolution”
June 1, 2007[br]Las Vegas, Nevada Mr. Sapronov will be a speaker.
Presentation at Bear Stearns: “Cable & Telco Regulatory Developments (What Investors Need to Know)”
May 11, 2007[br]New York, New York Mr. Sapronov will be a speaker.
Research First Consulting, Inc.: “Consumer Services Marketing 2007 Seminar”
March 7-9, 2007[br]Destin, Florida Mr. Renard will be a speaker.
Law Seminars International: Broadband and Telecommunications Deal Making
Atlanta, Georgia[br]November 2 & 3, 2006 Mr. Sapronov is program co-chair. Click here for information on this seminar.